Home remedy for Prickly heat and common skin problem

Prickly heat is a common skin problem in adults, children and infants, mostly occurs in the summer and hot days. Prickly heat is also known as miliary, heat rash or sweat rash, it is an itchy rash with small red spots occurs, which cause harshness of the skin.

Prickly heat is very irritating, painful and cause harsh itching. These rashes can be develop anywhere on the body, but mostly occurs on the neck, in folds of skin, back, face, chest, thighs, shoulders, armpits, and forehead. It happens, when sweat accumulates in specific parts of body and converts in a small red bumps on skin.

People lives in hot and humid climates, mostly experience the prickly heat. Living in hot conditions leads to too much sweating, this blocks the sweat glands. And when these blocked glands burst out, it irritates our skin and results in itchy rashes called prickly heat.


Causes of prickly heat are sweating and scorching heat, bacterial infections, blocked pores from sweat glands or underdeveloped sweat glands, overweight, unhealthy lifestyle, bad eating habits, alcohol consumption, excessive smoking, side effects of the medicines, stressful lifestyle, excessive consumption of oily food and junk food.


The common symptoms of prickly heat are harshness or itchiness sensations, mild inflammation, small red round bumps, itchy and scorching rashes.

Do and Don’t

1.      Stay in an air-conditioned or cool environment, have a cool shower or bath to reduce the prickly sensations. Take cool shower two three times a day.
2.      Always wear loose and cotton clothes, avoid synthetic clothing.
3.      Drink plenty of water (at least 9 glasses a day) during hot climate. Consume fruits and vegetables with high water content.
4.      Do not use creams and oils to treat heat rashes, they do not prevent sweat rashes, but they can block the pores.

Here we are giving few tips and natural home remedies to get rid of prickly heat. Try following home remedies, these remedies are natural, very effective and do not have any side effects.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has outstanding healing properties, which reduces and removes the prickly heat and the itchy and scorching rashes; it contains anti-inflammatory, cooling and soothing properties that will give you a cooling effects.

Tip:  Try following aloe Vera remedy immediately (within 4-5 minutes) after bath for fast relief from prickly heat.

1. Apply aloe gel directly

Extract some fresh aloe Vera gel from aloe plant (or use readymade pure aloe gel) and apply the aloe gel properly over the affected skin. Leave the application for 1-2 hours and then rinse off with cool water. Follow this remedy after bath in the morning or in the afternoon and before going to bed at night (leave it overnight and wash off in the morning with cool water)

2. Aloe Vera with turmeric

Mix half or 1 teaspoon turmeric powder in 2-3 tablespoon of fresh or pure aloe Vera gel, mix them well and apply on the affected skin for 1 hour and rinse it off with cool water. Do this once or twice a day.

3. Aloe with apple cider vinegar

Add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in the 2-3 tablespoon of fresh or pure aloe Vera gel and rub this mixture over affected skin for 1 hour. Wash off with cool water. Repeat this once or twice a day for fast effect

4. Neem with rose water

Grind/smash a handful of fresh margosa/neem leaves with 3 tablespoon of rose water to make a smooth paste. Smear this paste on the affected skin areas and Leave it for 1 hour. Then wash it off with cool water. Follow this remedy once a day.

5. Neem with multani mitti

Mix 3 tablespoon of fresh margosa/neem paste with 2 tablespoon of mgosa/neem paste with 2 tablespoon of multani mitti and 4 tablespoon of rose water. Apply the mixture over the heat rashes for 1 hour and rinse off with cool water. Follow this once a day. You can also use gram flour instead of multani mitti.

6. Apply neem water

Crush 2 handfuls of margosa/neem leaves and boil them in 2 glasses of water for 20-30 minutes. Strain the water and keep it in the freezer for 5-10 minutes. Then soak clean cotton clothe in this cold water and place it over the affected skin area for 10 minutes. Repeat this 2-3 times a day for fast relief.

7. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a healthy and nutritious food; it has amazing healing properties for both inside and outside our body. It has anti inflammatory and calming properties. It has been proven to protect our skin and it also gives relief from prickly heat symptoms. Oatmeal helps in healing itchy and scorching heat rashes and insect bites also.

Tip: Try following oatmeal remedy immediately (within 4-5 minutes) after bath for fast relief from prickly heat.

7. Oatmeal with turmeric

Take 3 tablespoon of oatmeal powder and add half teaspoon of turmeric powder in it, mix them well to make smooth paste. Apply this paste on the heat rashes for 1 hour and wash it off with cool water. Do this twice a day.

8. Oatmeal with lemon juice

Add 2 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice or apple cider vinegar in the 3 tablespoon of oatmeal powder. Mix the ingredients properly and make smooth paste. Apply this mixture over affected skin area for 1 hour and wash off with cool water. Repeat this once or twice a day.

9. Oatmeal with curd

Mix 3 tablespoon of oatmeal powder with cup of curd, also add half teaspoon of turmeric in it. Apply the mixture over the hear rashes. Rinse the application off after 1 hour. Follow this once or twice a day to get rid of prickly heat symptoms.

10. Oatmeal water

Add cup of oatmeal powder to your bathtub filled with cool water. Stir the water, until the water gets a creamy color. Soak yourself in this bath water for 20-30 minutes to relieve and soothe the skin. Pat dry the body with a soft towel. Repeat this 2 times a day for fast relief.

11. Multani mitti

Fuller’s earth or multani mitti can work magically to cure prickly heat. It has skin healing properties, which can reduce irritation, itching and inflammation caused by prickly heat.

Tip: Try following Fuller’s earth or multani mitti remedy immediately (within 4-5 minutes) after bath for fast relief from prickly heat. You can increase the quantity of ingredients as per your requirement.

Mix 3-5 tablespoon of fuller’s earth powder with 6-7 tablespoon of pure rose water and pinch of half teaspoon of turmeric powder.

Make a smooth paste; add more rose water if required. Apply this paste over affected skin, allow it to dry for 1 hour and wash off with cool water. Do this once a day.

12. Multani mitti with lemon

Add 2-3 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice to 3-5 tablespoon of multani miti and also add some water to make fine paste. Apply the paste over the heat rashes, leave it for 1 hour and rinse it off with cool water.

13. Multani mitti with aloe Vera

Extract 2-3 tablespoon of fresh or pure aloe Vera gel and mix it with 4-5 tablespoon of  fuller’s earth powder, the add some rose water to it to make fine paste. Rub this mixture over the affected skin; wash off with cool water after 1 hour. Repeat this once or twice a day.

14. Multani mitti with apple cider vinegar

Mix 3 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, 1 cup curd and 4-5 tablespoon of fuller’s earth powder together. Mix all these ingredients properly to make fine paste of it. Apply this paste over affected areas for 1 hour and rinse it off with cool water. Follow this remedy once or twice a day to get rid of heat rashes or sweat rashes.

15. Ice

Ice is one of the finest solutions for reducing the prickly heat rashes caused by burning, humid and hot temperature. Cold compression over the affected skin area will give you immediate relief from itchy and scorching rashes, inflammation and hot prickling sensations.

1.      Rub ice cubes over the heat rashes to reduce inflammation and for quick relief from burning and scorching sensations.

2.      Wrap some ice cubes in plastic bag or dishcloth. Place this ice bag over affected areas. Do this for 10-15 minutes at a time and repeat the same after every 2-3 hours. Follow this 4-5 times a day for fast relief from sweat rashes.

3.      Soak clean cotton cloth in ice cube water and place it over the rashes, do this 10 minutes at a time and then repeat after every 2-3 hours in a day.

16. Gooseberry

Mix 3-5 tablespoon of fuller’s earth powder with 6-7 tablespoon of pure rose water and pinch of half teaspoon of turmeric powder.

Make a smooth paste; add more rose water if required. Apply this paste over affected skin, allow it to dry for 1 hour and wash off with cool water. Do this once a day.

17. Cornstarch

Mix 2-3 tablespoon of cornstarch or corn flour with 3-5 tablespoon of rose water to make smooth paste. Apply this paste over affected skin for 20-30 minutes and then wash it away with cool water. Do this once or twice a day.

18. Baking Soda

Baking soda works as a gentle exfoliating agent who helps clean out clogged pores and also removes dirt, dead skin cells and other impurities from the skin. Thus it relieves the inflammation and itching caused by prickly heat.

       1.      Prepare a simple cooling compress for itchy and scorching prickly heat. Add 2 tablespoon of baking soda in glass of chilled water. Soak small cotton cloth in this solution and place it over the affected skin. When the cloth gets warm, again soak it in the mixture and place over the affected skin. Repeat this for 10 minutes. Follow this remedy 3-4 times a day for amazing result.

       2.      Dust affected areas with baking soda or pure sandalwood powder immediately after bath. Their fresh and cooling effect helps in healing heat rashes quickly.

       3.      Take a handful of Indian plum (jamun) leaves, smash them or grind them using four tablespoon of rose water and make smooth paste of it. Add 1-2 teaspoon of baking soda in this paste, mix them properly and apply over the affected area. Leave it for 30 minutes and rinse off with cool water.

19. Raw Mangoes

Consumption of raw mango juice (kairi panhe) reduces the symptoms of prickly heat. Raw mangoes are one of the greatest seasonal fruit which gives cooling and calming effects to your body in hot days. Consume following recipe of raw mango juice to get relief from prickly heat.

1.      Take 2 raw mangoes and boil them in glass of water until they become soft. When the water become cool, remove the mangoes and squeeze out the pulp from it.

2.      Then add pinch of black salt, 2-3 tablespoon of sugar or honey and half teaspoon of cumin seed powder in this pulp. Grind the mixture in grinder with few ice cubes and your magical juice is ready! Drink this raw mango juice (kairi panhe) 2-3 times a day to speed up the healing process.

20. Sandalwood Powder

Sandalwood has cooling properties which effectively removes prickly heat symptoms. It also reduces your body temperature, which is very necessary for fast recovery from prickly heat.

1.      Mix 2 tablespoon of coriander powder and 2-3 tablespoon of pure coriander powder, also add enough rose water to make smooth paste. Apply this paste over the prickly heat rashes. Leave it for 45 minutes and then wash it off with cool water. Repeat this once or twice a day.

2.      Add 2 tablespoon of pure sandalwood powder to 3-4 tablespoon of fresh cucumber juice, mix them properly to make smooth paste. Rub this paste over heat rashes and wash off after 30-40 minutes with cool water. You can also use rose water instead of cucumber juice.

21. Cool Honey-Cucumber paste

Cut a cucumber in small pieces, grind them to make fine and smooth paste and add 1tbsp of honey to it. Keep this paste in refrigerator for 30 minutes and then apply the paste over affected skin. Wash off after 1 hour. Do this once or twice a day.

22. Henna powder with rose

Mix 2 tablespoon of henna powder with 3-4 tablespoon of rose water or fresh cucumber juice. Make a fine paste and apply over the affected skin. Leave it for 30-40 minutes and then rinse off with normal water. But, application of henna will color your skin.

23. Curd with watermelon

Take bowl of fully ripe watermelon pieces (peeled) and grind them with half cup of curd. Make a smooth paste and spread over the heat rashes for 1 hour, then wash off with cool water. Repeat this once or twice a day.

24. Banyan tree bark

Banyan tree barks are very beneficial in healing prickly heat rapidly. Take handful of dry barks of the banyan tree and grind them to make a fine powder. Dust this bark powder over affected skin for quick relief from prickly heat rashes.

25. Gram flour or multani mitti

Mix 2 tablespoon of gram flour or multani mitti with 2 tablespoon of honey and two tablespoon of fresh lemon juice. Mix all these ingredients properly to make smooth paste. Apply this mixture on the heat rashes for 40 minutes and wash it off with cool water.

26. Treat internally

Along with external remedies, prickly heat must be treated internally too. So drink fresh lemon/lime juice, watermelon juice, cucumber juice and raw mango juice (kairi panhe) 2-3 times a day to reduce excessive heat from body and for fast relief from heat rashes.

Javed shaha

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